This book was written in the effort to stand up and fight for God’s house, “The Black Church.” This book was written for the black Pastors, Ministers, Evangelist, Elders, Prophets, Prophetess, Spiritual Leaders, Deacons, Deaconess and Christians who are unaware of the many wicked tactics being expressed, pushed by other black people in the (obvious) effort to destroy the black church. This book was written to help explain the many reasons that are the catalyst behind the low membership within the black church. This book was especially written in dedication to all of the black Civil Rights leaders and workers who stood the line in the American and world climate of extreme, overt racist evil, post-slavery, post the Jim Crow Era, post the Civil Rights Era, during the Civil Rights Era, post the executions of black Civil Rights leaders, post the 1960s, on up through today.
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In the conversations concerning why the black church attendance has fallen off in recent years, people generally give a few reasons such as the Pastor is stealing all the money or is sleeping around with women in the church, or that the church is too hypercritical. While these reasons might be valid somewhere in this vast country, to expand on the reasons this book explores the multitude of reasons why many people do not go to church these days.